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Clio Isadora interviews Ellice Weaver about ‘Big Ugly!’

Ellice Weaver’s beautiful book Big Ugly comes out on the 20th June! You can pre-order a copy here.

Below she’s interviewed about the book by Clio Isadora, creator of the wonderful Sour Pickles.

If you’re London-based, there’s going to be a launch party and exhibition for Big Ugly at the fantastic Jam Bookshop on the 22nd June! The exhibition will run until the 9th of July.

Clio: Congratulations on your new book! I loved reading Big Ugly and really enjoyed seeing the sibling dynamics progress throughout all the vibrant illustrated scenes. Where did you find the inspiration when developing Big Ugly?

Ellice: I visited my own relationships. Although this book isn’t at all autobiographical, I took inspiration of the sibling dynamic from my relationship with my own sibling. I’m also turning 30 and was reflecting a lot of what that felt like. Certain age milestones have different atmospheres about them. The early 30s feel like a transitionary time. Like a no man’s land age.

Clio: Your previous comic with Avery Hill, Something City came out in 2017. Do you feel your comic making process has changed between making your new book?

Ellice: I swapped from 50% analogue/50% digital to full digital. I used to paint everything and then put it together later in photoshop. But now I find it gives me the most freedom to just work digitally. I move around a lot and not needing the materials is a huge plus.

Clio: I loved your use of colour and how it transitions through the different scenes. Did you work with a set colour pallet or did you develop it as the story progressed?

Ellice: I developed it as the story progressed but always went back to weigh it next to the other palettes. Somehow colour palettes always end up being the most work during a project and I remember sweating over them haha. I’m glad they came together even though there are quite a few.

Clio: I enjoyed the dynamic between the two siblings in the story. Was this inspired by any real life relationships?

Ellice: I’ve been thinking back to a lot of sibling dynamics that I’ve watched over the years and drew from a few of them. They’re just quite funny. I remember going to friends’ houses as a kid and seeing the most dramatic fights breaking out between sisters, I’ve rivaled with my own brother too. Sibling relationships can reduce sensible adults to full-blown toddlers. They just bring out something in someone which can be a bit ugly but also deep and sweet.

Clio: Big Ugly features an interesting character who does Human Design Coaching. I was curious to know how you developed this idea?

Ellice: When developing the characters I listened to a podcast that happened to be about human design and I was like, ‘hm which character is which human design profile’. It’s a cool way to get the characters across because you can literally tell the reader this is their human design profile whether the character agrees with it or not.

Clio: The story references that one of the main characters Matt has a podcast, although we never learn what it is about. I’m curious to know what you think his podcast could be about?

Ellice: I opted to keep that info out of the story. There’s also some childhood trauma that gets referenced in the book and I choose not to include it… I liked the idea that the past has happened and the characters are dealing with the fallout of that, like everyone does. I quite like keeping bits of information out of narratives. But I did toy with the idea of Matt’s podcast being a confidence coaching podcast.

Clio: As another comic creator, I’m always curious to know how long it took to make a finished graphic novel. How long did it take you to make Big Ugly, from the initial idea until final submission?

Ellice: I’m not actually sure because I never worked on it solidly. Once I took 6 months off and often I’d pick it up when I could but I started in September 2018 – 1690 days. But who knows?

Clio: Lastly, do you have any funny anecdotes about making this comic you’d like to share?

Ellice: There was a house construction going on next to my studio and it was completed from start to finish before I got the 20th page done. Every day I’d look out the window and be like ‘comics are weird.’

Get your copy of Big Ugly here!

Clio Isadora’s Sour Pickles came out in 2021. It’s s semi-autobiographical graphic novel about a girl struggling to finish the final year of art school, while surrounded by wealthy peers who have all the privilege and connections that she doesn’t. Grab a copy here!

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