This month the Avery Hill Publishing team of David White, Ricky Miller, Kat Chapman and Steve Walsh pick out their favourite books and comics of 2017, suggest some AHP titles that would make great Christmas gifts and look forward to an exciting batch of new AHP titles heading your way in 2018.
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In this inaugural episode we hear from David White and Ricky Miller, the co-publishers and founders of Avery Hill Publishing, and Kat Chapman and Steve Walsh, who work on Marketing and Sales respectively at the company, all about the history and development of the company over the last few years.
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It’s time again for the now legendary Avery Hill Christmas Podcast! Truly we are all blessed. What’s more, we’ve got two special guests in the form of Tim “Grey Area” Bird and Owen “The Megatherium Club” Pomery!
Those fine gentlemen help us review what’s been a bumper year at Avery Hill Towers (not a real place), featuring ten publications, parties and more events than you can swing a cat with an unusually long tail at.
We then move on to each choose our picks of the year from “The Scene”, featuring work from Eleni Kalorkoti, Structo Magazine, Oliver East, Decadence Comics and Gareth Brookes.
Then, like three wise men, a donkey and the baby Jesus, we look to the stars and farrrrrrrrrrrr into the future at the magical land of 2014 and attempt to predict what we’ll be reading […]
Come join us for another chat around the proverbial campfire. In this episode we bring you the cutting edge of hot, cool and sexy small-press news, views and hastily edited out libel. We PLUG Close-up Masterchef 2, Reads 3 and Grey Area 2! We SPILL THE BEANS on what really goes on at the Sheffield Zine Fest, DIY Cultures and Comica Comiket, including the tale of “Table 8” (and believe me, it’s not for the faint-hearted)! We REVEAL the winner of the competition to be “Sexiest Man in Sidcup”! There’s also a lot of stuff about Iggy Pop for some reason.
Dive in now and then fuel your new obsession by subscribing to us for free on iTunes!
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– Ricky
Turn your festivey Christmas spirit up to eleven and beyond with the new Avery Hill Publishing Christmas 2012 Podcast! Join your favourite three publishers Dave, Michael and Ricky as they bring more jingly, yuletidey, non-denominational joy to your winterville festival than Dickens riding a red-nosed reindeer around the set of the video to Wham’s Last Christmas whilst Mariah cheers on from the sidelines in THAT red outfit. Yes, you know the one I mean.
Herein you shall find our three not very wise men musing on the past! Thoughts turning to the bleak future! Unwanted gifts! Marc Bolan’s ghost! Men too drunk to remember they need to give the podcast an ending leading to me spending hours editing it trying to work out how to fit it all together! The C-Bomb (and no, that doesn’t stand for Christmas)!
You’re going to listen to this and you don’t […]
Wherein the Avery Hill gang regale you with scandalous tales of dropping out(!), cats(!), the disturbing underbelly of Milton Keynes(!), ruined trousers(!), rotten reviews(!), low sales(!), inevitable financial ruin(!) and a desperate need to be stalked(!). They also spend more time plugging work by other people than they do their own, which may explain many of the above topics of conversation. It’s the Olympics, you must have at least a passing inclination to have a misguided attempt at going for a run so listen to us on the way round! Download it, subscribe on iTunes, write a review (but not like those ones we get for our comics), tell your friends! Tell that guy at the bus stop! Not the psycho one. Okay, yeah, we’ll take the psycho one.
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– Ricky
Back in the dim and distant days of Tiny Dancing, when we didn’t really exist and were not people of art, we used to talk about stuff and then make that talking available for people to listen to, if they were that way inclined. You know the type.
Then we stopped doing that, didn’t do anything at all for a bit, then started doing Tiny Dancing as a venerable publication of the great and the good, which you know about because we tell you about it often enough.
But we’d stopped talking, and if there’s one thing we at Tiny Dancing like more than beautiful illustration, writing, comics and other stuff, it’s talking. So we’ve started again.
We’re calling this talking ‘Tiny Dancing Summer 2011’, because it seemed topical and because we read an article about selling stuff on the interweb, and it said it was a good idea. […]